健康ライフにぴったりの美味しい発芽米Delicious germinated rice - perfect for a healthy life
The store is proud to be the only 5-star rice master in the prefecture selling a blend of 4 varieties of carefully selected organic rice. It is a blend of germinated brown rice (non-glutinous rice / glutinous rice), black rice, and red rice. It can compensate for various nutrients like natural GABA, dietary fiber, magnesium, vitamin B1, vitamin E, anthocyanin, etc, in your everyday food. The recommended combination is 75% white rice and 25% Hatsuga Okoku. Cook the rice in this ratio to obtain the best taste. The shop owner himself is into rice cultivation and is a member of Rice Cultivation Proprietor's Association of Japan formed by rice farmers. This shop serves as a joint window for selling the very best quality rice sourced from fellow members of this association who are producing particularly tasty rice. The shop sells top-quality rice and the they are really proud of being able to contribute towards healthy lifestyle of their customers. They get the rice inspected for radioactivity and residual pesticides by specialized agencies so as to deliver safe, secure, and freshly polished rice upon receiving an order.