原料から自社製で造られた「あゆの姿煮」"Ayu no Sugatani" prepared with in-house seasonings

明治33年創業の山あいの小さな醤油屋さんがつくる「あゆの姿煮」。徳島産の鮎を使用し、焼いた後、竹かごに入れて阿波番茶で炊きます。 味の決め手は、自社製醤油や酢はもちろんですが、なんといっても自家製の梅干。これらで味付けをし、すべて手作業で焦がさないように五時間付きっきりでコトコトと煮込んでいます。 手間暇かけて作られた姿煮は骨まで食べられるほど柔らかく、頭からガブリといけます。魚の骨が苦手であまり食べないという方にも是非召し上がっていただきたい逸品です。 おすすめの食べ方は一口大に切り、温かいご飯に乗せ、熱いお茶をかけてお茶漬けに。温かいおそばに入れるのもまた格別です。 この姿煮でも使用している真鍋本家のマナヅル醤油は、イギリスの三ツ星レストランでも採用され、世界にもその魅力を発信しています。

“Ayu no Sugatani" prepared by a small soy sauce store in the valley established in 1900. Sweetfish from Tokushima is roasted and then simmered with Awa coarse tea in a bamboo basket. What makes this taste so special is not just the in-house soy sauce and vinegar but also the homemade pickled dried plums. All these ingredients are slowly cooked together for 5 hours under constant supervision so as to prevent it from burning. The sugatani cooked with so much time and effort makes even the bones so soft that one can even chew the head. Even if you do not have a liking for fish bones, you are sure to love this excellent preparation. The recommended way of eating is to cut it into bite-sized pieces, place them on hot cooked rice, and pour hot tea on it. It tastes exceptionally good also when had with hot soba. This Manazuru Soy Sauce by Manabe Honke used in this sugatani dish has spread its charm to the world and is also used in a three star restaurant in UK.


真鶴うすくち醤油 Manazuru Light Soy Sauce

An all-purpose soy sauce that uplifts the color of the ingredients and is so "mellow" that dashi is not required.

真鶴こいくち醤油 Manazuru Dark Soy Sauce

A classic soy sauce that has been a long-time favorite. A full-bodied soy sauce that can be extensively used for cooking or every day at the dining table.

徳島産 子持ちあゆの姿煮 Komochi Ayu no Sugatani produced in Tokushima

The flavors of eggs of komochi (fish with eggs) sweetfish and the unique lumpy texture is sensational.

徳島産 あゆの姿煮 Ayu no Sugatani produced in Tokushima(sweetfish prepared while preserving its original shape)

It is simmered in iron pot on a low flame for 5 hours making even the bones and the head soft and edible.

阿波名産 ゆずみそ Awa’s specialty Yuzu Miso

It is cooked slowly with local yuzu in an iron pot while requiring constant supervision so that it does not burn.

企業情報Company information

商号Company name 株式会社真鍋本家Manabe Honke Co., Ltd.
事業内容Business content 調味料製造、醤油・鮎甘露煮
所在地Adress 三好市池田町ウエノ2661-1 2661-1 Ueno, Ikeda-cho, Miyoshi-shi GoogleMap
電話番号Tel 0883-72-00660883-72-0066
FAXFax 0883-72-02410883-72-0241
営業時間Business hours 9:00~17:009:00 to 17:00
定休日Closing day 土、日、祝祭日Saturdays, Sundays, Public holidays
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