踊り子、鳴り物目線の特別あつらえSpecial arrangements for ODORIKO and NARIMONO
The catchphrase for the Awa Odori dance is well known. If you don't dance, you lose. This is precisely the spirit of our shop.
We produce Awa Odori goods that are not only well-designed but also thoroughly functional, in the hope that people will enjoy the Awa Odori dance more and immerse themselves in it.
As the Awa Odori goods specialist in western Tokushima Prefecture, we offer a wide range of products, from carefully selected commercial items to original products from Danka and Narute First.
At the same time, we also offer repair and customisation services for your valuable equipment. We look forward to welcoming you to our shop.
We also plan to open a satellite shop in Kamojima-cho, Yoshinogawa in spring 2025. The shop will not only sell goods, but will also serve as a salon where Awa Odori enthusiasts can gather.